Various tags on OSM

With this tool you have an easy and fast way to see where on the map various tags are located.

You'll find the following groups of tags to choose from:

  1. Amenity
  2. Tourism
  3. Sport
  4. Shop
  5. Food
  6. Various
  7. User selected pois

The first 4 of those are the standard OSM groups, but because food related tags could be found both in the Amenity and the Shop groups, I choose to create a group with tags from both. So the Cheese shop and the Pub should be searched for in the Food group.

The group Various is a collection of tags from (guess what?) various other groups. Finally there is an option to set up a list of your own (called User pois) where you can search for tags that are missing from my preselected choices or are spread among different layers.

The purpose of this tool is to help you in locating on the map (in the area of your choice) where specific tags are. I wrote the tool because I wanted to know where in my hometown all the bakeries were located, but then I found out that none of them had the tag shop=bakery attached to their maplocation. But now they do!