Some Quirks

  • Some of the pois that you see on the map, are drawn with small, colored circles. Some others are drawn with the outline of the poi. Mainly for larger buildings (like a museum or stadium), but also for objects that really have an area, like parking places, tennis and golf courts and the like.

  • If you click on the map you have to click inside the circle or on (or close to) the outline of an area. If nothing happens, zooming-in usually solves the problem.

  • Some objects (pois) are so close together, that it is inevitable that the information of all shows up in the popup.

  • The Permalink is not working correctly for the user-pois. It saves the map, but not your selection. I'm working on it.

  • There are two versions available:

    3. The first one has a search box that is connected to a Dutch translation of the key:value pairs, the second one has the standard English translations. Version one has an "a" suffix, version two a "b".