Road Extended JOSM (default) style, info - legend.

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This extended style.

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Inside is the mapcss and all the needed icons.
Latest version: 0.1.3 30-09-2017

Main goals:

Highway coloring set for use over aerial and hillshade maplayers.
On highway visualize access of all land-based transportation modes and more.
Barrier-nodes set image on different zoomlevels.
On barrier visualize access of all land-based transportation modes and more.
Coloring highway-nodes to visiualize, tagging and connection difference.
Set surface visibility on highway.
Set smoothness visibility on highway.
Indicate there is a route on the way.
Inactivate way visiualisation that is not needed anymore.(elementstyle)

Extended the JOSM (default elementstyle) and set some parts inactive or modified.

Uncheck JOSM Default style!

Use minimal JOSM-version: 12542

Filter setting JOSM

For highway editing:

(type:way new) OR (type:way highway=*) OR (type:node new) OR (type:node traffic_sign=*)OR (type:relation type=restriction) OR (type:way man_made=bridge) OR (type:way barrier=*) OR (type:node barrier=*)

We could set waterway=*, natural=water, railway=*, route=ferry to it, because highways cross them and have a common node, example, ford.

Road Editing - Land-based transportation and more - Legend -

Landbased Transportation icons and more

Mode Key Description Explanation
access=* General access Key to describe a general access restriction that applies to all transport modes.
vehicle=* Vehicle Any vehicle.

NL:RVV voertuigen: fietsen, bromfietsen, gehandicaptenvoertuigen, motorvoertuigen, trams en wagens.

foot=* Foot Pedestrians

NL:RVV Voetgangers.

bicycle=* Bicycle Cyclists

NL: "de fiets" fietsen, het vervoermiddel.

mofa=* Mofa "Low performance moped", usually with a maximum design speed of 25 km/h.

NL:RVV snorfiets: 1. bromfiets die blijkens de gegevens in het kentekenregister is geconstrueerd voor een maximumsnelheid die niet meer bedraagt dan 25 km per uur, met uitzondering van de speed-pedelec, of 2. bromfiets als bedoeld in artikel 1, eerste lid, onderdeel e, subonderdeel d, van de wet

moped=* Moped Motorized bicycles with a speed restriction; e.g., at most a 50 cc engine or max. speed of about 45 km/h.

NL:WvW bromfiets:

artikel 1, eerste lid, onderdeel e, onder a, b en c, van de wet;
horse=* Horse The horse (animal) or/and the combination with a rider.
dog=* Dog Dog.
dog=leashed Dog leashed Access_sign explains that the dogs must be leashed.
dog=unleashed Dog unleashed Access_sign explains that the dogs can walk free.
dog=under_control Dog under control Access_sign explains that the dogs must be under control, if not, dog is not allowed unleashed.
carriage=* Carriage Horse(s) and carriage.
motor_vehicle=* Motor_vehicle Any motorized vehicle, common mistake, this is also moped and mofa!
motorcycle=* Motorcycle A 2-wheeled motor vehicle, allowed to drive on motorways.

NL:RVV motorfiets: motorvoertuig op twee wielen al dan niet met zijspan- of aanhangwagen.

motorcar=* Motorcar Automobiles/cars

NL:RVV personenauto: personenauto als bedoeld in artikel 1.1 van de Regeling voertuigen.

hgv=* Hgv heavy goods vehicle; e.g., goods vehicles with a maximum allowed mass over 3.5 tonnes.

NL:RVV vrachtauto: motorvoertuig, niet ingericht voor het vervoer van personen, waarvan de toegestane maximum massa meer bedraagt dan 3500 kg.

agricultural=* Agricultural Agricultural motor vehicles; e.g., tractors) that have additional restrictions; e.g., a 25 km/h speed limit.
bus=* Bus A heavy bus acting as a public service vehicle.

NL:RVV autobus: motorvoertuig, ingericht voor het vervoer van meer dan acht personen, de bestuurder daaronder niet begrepen.

psv=* Psv Public service vehicle.
atv=* Atv Atv a.k.a. Quad (bike) (Restricted to or permissive for vehicles 50 in, 1.27 m, or less in width) still in proposal stage.
snowmobile=* Snowmobile All kind of snowmobiles.
double_tracked_motor_vehicle=* Motor_vehicle double tracked Motor vehicles with more than 2 wheels/more than 1 track.

NL:RVV motorvoertuigen op meer dan twee wielen. NL:RVV motorvoertuigen: alle gemotoriseerde voertuigen behalve bromfietsen, fietsen met trapondersteuning en gehandicaptenvoertuigen, bestemd om anders dan langs rails te worden voortbewogen.

motorhome=* Motorhome A motorhome (or motor coach) is a type of self-propelled recreational vehicle or RV which offers living accommodation combined with a vehicle engine.

NL: kampeerauto, camper.

trailer=* Trailer Needs to be towed by another vehicle which has its own restrictions.

NL:RVV aanhangwagens: voertuigen die door een voertuig worden voortbewogen of kennelijk bestemd zijn om aldus te worden voortbewogen, alsmede opleggers.

wheelchair=* Wheelchair The use of a wheelchair.

NL: Rolstoel.

disabled=* Disabled Holders of blue badge, UK, or other such disabled persons permit. (under construction)

NL: Gehandicaptenkaart.

microcar=* Microcar Closed coach double tracked special moped.

NL:RVV brommobiel: bromfiets op meer dan twee wielen, die is voorzien van een carrosserie.

disabled_vehicle=* Disabled_vehicle Disabled vehicle, with or without a motor.

NL:RVV gehandicaptenvoertuig: voertuig dat is ingericht voor het vervoer van een gehandicapte, niet breder is dan 1,10 meter en niet is uitgerust met een motor, dan wel is uitgerust met een motor waarvan de door de constructie bepaalde maximumsnelheid niet meer dan 45 km per uur bedraagt.

en geen bromfiets is.

NL: Kan ook gebruikt worden door een niet invalide.
disabled_motor_vehicle=* Disabled motorvehicle Motorized disabled vehicle, which is not a moped.

NL:RVV gehandicaptenvoertuig: voertuig dat is ingericht voor het vervoer van een gehandicapte, niet breder is dan 1,10 meter en is uitgerust met een motor waarvan de door de constructie bepaalde maximumsnelheid niet meer dan 45 km per uur bedraagt.

en geen bromfiets is.

NL: Kan ook gebruikt worden door een niet invalide.

For more information Access wiki page

The color indentification for mofa and moped is the color of the Netherlands license plate.
Mofa Snorfiets Blue
Moped Bromfiets Yellow

Dog have extra icons to express the behaviour.
Dog key and value are under proposal.

Disabled vehicle icons because goverment law makes a category for it. Traffic_signs description mention these category.

Icons access color code

Example Value Color Hex color Description
yes Lime


The public has an official, legally-enshrined right of access; i.e., it's a right of way.
no Red


No access for the general public.
private Maroon


Only with permission of the owner on an individual basis.
permissive Orange


Open to general traffic until such time as the owner revokes the permission which they are legally allowed to do at any time in the future.
designated Blue


A preferred or designated route for the class of traffic specified by the tag key.
destination Yellow


Only when travelling to this element/area.
delivery Purple


Only when delivering to the element.
consumers Fuchsia


Only for customers of the element.
use_sidepath Aqua


Can only be used in countries with compulsory cycleways and gives access information on parallel roads.
dismount Green


Permitted for some vehicle (or animal) only if you dismount.
agricultural Brown


Only for agricultural traffic.
forestry Teal


Only for forestry traffic.
discouraged Grey50


A legal right of way exists (see yes) but usage is officially discouraged.
official Olive


The value official for the access tags foot, bicycle and horse indicates a way legally dedicated to specific modes of travel by a law or by the rules of traffic.
limited access colors access colors Wheelchairs have partial access (e.g some areas can be accessed and others not, areas requiring assistance by someone pushing up a steep gradient).

Directions Icons

Icon Key Color Description Explanation
value set in white Mode This icon have no value.
*:forward=* access colors Forward Forward describe a direction along a way, forward means the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap.
*:backward=* access colors Backward Backward describe a direction along a way, backward means the opposite direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap.
oneway:*=* access colors Both directions Both direction along a way, the drawn and the opposite direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap.
oneway:*=no red (no) / lime (yes) Oneway:(mode)=* Oneway can be used in conjunction with vehicle type in order to tag exceptions, i.e. oneway:moped=no for a one-way streets, where mopeds are allowed to drive in the opposite direction.

Conditional Openinghours Icons

Mostly placed under the node or way

Icon Key/Value Color Description Explanation
value set in white Mode This icon have no value.
@ black/grey With @ @ is used in the value
*:conditional=* access colors Conditional Conditional is used in the key.
*:conditional=* black/grey Conditional Conditional is used in the key.
sunrise-sunset access colors Daytime Colored in from sunrise till sunset.
sunset-sunrise access colors Nighttime Colored in from sunset till sunrise.
opening_hours=* no colors Opening hours Opening hours is set on way or node.


Mostly all *:conditional=* and *:conditional:forward/backward=* and in value @ is placed beneath the way line and node on a mode icon. It depends on the drawn direction of the OSMway.
Not all combinations are good, logic, you have to decide, what is good or wrong.
Later it is possible to give a wrong combination, a deprecated icon.
@ is set, as a indication icon, control if the (*) is right. ( @ very small, it is a hint.)

Highway Indentification

Item String Color Casing color Description Explanation
*=motorroad #3377ff

*=motorway #809bc0

Motorway Also for *=motorway_link
*=trunk #7fc97f

Trunk Also for *=trunk_link
*=primary #fb805f

Trunk Also for *=primary_link
*=secondary #ff9900

Secondary Also for *=secondary_link
*=tertiary #669900

Tertiary Also for *=tertiary_link
*=unclassified #00ffff

*=residential #ffff00

*=living_street #999999


*=service #008080

*=escape #c0c0c0

*=road #770000


Road Please, give the road a indentification.
*=construction #770000


Construction Map and tag when construction start.
*=track #ff66cc

Track tracktype=*         
*=cycleway #b100ff

*=footway #00ff00

footway=sidewalk #808080

Sidewalk Footway, what is a sidewalk. NL: Trottoir
*=pedestrian #999999


*=path #00ff00

*=bridleway #a18559


*=steps #ff0000

*=bus_guideway #404040


Bus guideway
*=busway #404040


*=raceway #ff80ff



Highway Tracktype Control (under construction)

Item String Color Shape Description Explanation
tracktype=grade1 #ff66cc


Grade 1 On highway=track, grade1 number to support the dashed line, on other ways, it could be a wrong tag.
tracktype=grade2 #ff66cc


Grade 2 On highway=track, grade2 number to support the dashed line, on other ways, it could be a wrong tag.
tracktype=grade3 #ff66cc


Grade 3 On highway=track, grade3 number to support the dashed line, on other ways, it could be a wrong tag.
tracktype=grade4 #ff66cc


Grade 4 On highway=track, grade4 number to support the dashed line, on other ways, it could be a wrong tag.
tracktype=grade5 #ff66cc


Grade 5 On highway=track, grade5 number to support the dashed line, on other ways, it could be a wrong tag.

Highway Surface (under construction)

Item String Color Casing color Description Explanation
*=asphalt #000000


*=concrete #ffffff


Concrete One lane, also small for single_tracked vehicle.
*=concrete:lanes #ffffff


Concrete lanes Long, narrow concrete plates laid out for a double_tracked vehicle.
*=concrete:plates #ffffff


Concrete plates Heavy duty plates chained closely together on the short side. Might have tar or sand in between the connections.
*=paving_stones #b35900


Paving stones

Highway Smoothness

Item String Color Shape Description Explanation
*=excellent #000000

3 rounds

Excellent (thin_rollers) roller blade, skate board and all below.
*=good #000000

2 rounds

Good (thin_wheels) racing bike and all below.
*=intermediate #000000

1 round

Intermediate (wheels) city bike, sport cars, wheel chair, Scooter and all below.
*=bad #ff6600

1 triangle

Bad (robust_wheels) trekking bike, normal cars, Rickshaw and all below.
*=very_bad #ff6600

2 triangles

Very bad (high_clearance) Car with high clearance, light-duty off road vehicles(off_road_wheels) heavy-duty off road vehicles and all below.
*=horrible #ff6600

3 triangles

Horrible (off_road_wheels) heavy-duty off road vehicles and all below
*=very_horrible #ff6600

4 triangles

Very horrible (specialized_off_road_wheels) tractor, ATV, tanks, trial, Mountain bike and all kind of off-highway vehicles.
*=impassable #ff0000

1 square

Impassable No wheeled vehicle.

Highway Tags

Item String Value Color Description Explanation
maxspeed=* (number) #ffff00

Maxspeed Maxspeed is set on the highway.
segregated=yes yes #00ff00

Segregated Used to show that there is some form of segregation between pedestrians and cyclists on a cycle path or footway. NL: Gescheiden wandel en fietsstrook
segregated=no no #ff0000

Segregated Used to show that a highway=cycleway or highway=footway is shared between cyclists and pedestrians with no line or other separation.

Highway Route Relation Tags

Item String Shape Color Description Explanation
type=route Dot #ffff00

All routes All route relations for foot, bicycle, horse, etc.

Highway-nodes visibility

Item String Color Description Explanation
way > node #0000ff

Highlight Highlighted the node of a highway.
way > node:connection #ff00ff

Connection Highwaysegment is connected to all kinds of waysegments. This also could be a highway connected to landuse, what is wrong.
way > node:tagged #ffa500

Tagged On the highwaynode is a key/value tagged. Not visible then you see a other icon.
way > node:selected #ff0000

Selected The highwaynode is selected, you can change the key/value or move the node.
Thanks, naoliv, for the "Highway Nodes" style example. Modified

Direction for traffic signs/signals

Item Visual Color Description Explanation
Sign and signals Traffic signs/signals Direction can be set on signs and signals.
Arrow Black Direction The arrow shows the drawn way direction of the OSM way. But NOT when the tag is set on a connection node. Make a new node on the way! Otherwise forward/backward have no meaning.
>? White/black No direction There is not a direction key tagged. Please, tag the direction!
↓↑ White/black Directions The direction key is tagged. Any value is possible.
White/black Forward The sign/signal is effective in the forward direction, the OSM drawn way direction.
White/black Backward The sign/signal is effective in the backward direction, the opposite direction as the drawn OSM way.
Thanks, Michael Maier (species@osm) for the "Direction for traffic signs" style example. Modified

Barrier Icons - Legend - (on node)

Icon Key/Value Description Explanation
barrier=bollard Bollard One ore more solid (usually concrete or metal) pillar(s) in the middle of the road to prevent passage by some traffic.
barrier=cycle_barrier Cyclebarrier A barriers along a path that slows or prevents access for bicycle users.
barrier=kissing_gate Kissinggate A type of gate where you have to go into an enclosure and open a gate to get through.
barrier=cattle_grid Cattlegrid A hole in the road surface covered in a series of bars that allow wheeled vehicles but not animals to cross.
barrier=turnstile Turnstile A passage on foot through a fence.
barrier=full-height_turnstile Full-height turnstile A full-height turnstile.
barrier=entrance Entrance An opening or gap in a barrier.
barrier=block Block One or more large immobile block(s) barring free access along a way.
barrier=stile Stile A structure which provides people a passage through or over a boundary via steps, ladders or narrow gaps.
barrier=horse_stile Horsestile A horse stile allows pedestrians and horses to cross a gap through a fence.
barrier=sump_buster Sumpbuster A barrier to stop cars (two tracked vehicles with less than a certain ground clearance and width between tracks).
barrier=bus_trap Bus trap A short section of the roadway where there is a deep dip in the middle to prevent passage by some traffic.
barrier=gate Gate A section in a wall or fence which can be opened to allow access.
barrier=hampshire_gate Hampshiregate A section in a wall or fence which can be opened to allow access.
barrier=bump_gate Bumpgate A drive-through gate used in rural areas to provide a barrier to livestock that does not require the driver to exit the vehicle.
barrier=lift_gate Liftgate A bar or pole pivoted in such a way as to allow the boom to block vehicular access through a controlled point.
barrier=toll_booth Toll booth A place where a road usage toll or fee is collected.
barrier=border_control Border control A control point at an international border between two countries.
barrier=swing_gate Swinggate A gate consisting of a bar or pole pivoted in such a way as to allow the boom to block vehicular access through a controlled point.
barrier=chain Chain A chain used to prevent motorised vehicles.
barrier=rope Rope A flexible barrier made of rope.
barrier=height_restrictor Height restrictor A height resctrictor which prevents access of vehicles higher than a set limit. If height is tagged, it is shown with a red number, example 2.2 is in meters.
barrier=motorcycle_barrier Motorcycle barrier A barrier along a path preventing access by motorcycles.
barrier=debris Debris Debris blocking a road.
barrier=log Log A log blocking a road.
barrier=jersey_barrier Jersey barrier A barrier made of heavy prefabricated blocks.
barrier=spikes Spikes Spikes to prevent drive through.
barrier=sally_port Sallyport A secure, controlled entryway to a fortification or prison.
barrier=yes Yes Please, replace "yes" by a specific value.
barrier=* (Else) Else, barrier tagged but excluded those listed above and kerb. Values can be wrong, a fence, what is wrong on a node and all other not often used values and new values.

Thanks, JOSM community for there support.

If there is content not right let me know. write a Personal Mail or a message in forum topic